Useful addons
Here are good Firefox addons to install:
- Firefox Multi-Account Containers
- FoxyProxy Standard
- Wappalyzer
- HackBar
- User-Agent Switcher and Manager
- Tamper Data for FF Quantum
Read password (old)
import os
from ctypes import Structure, CDLL
from ctypes import c_uint, c_void_p, c_char_p, cast, byref, string_at, c_ubyte
import json
import base64
NSSNAME = 'nss3.dll'
FIREFOX_PATH = r'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox'
os.environ['PATH'] = ";".join([os.environ['PATH'], FIREFOX_PATH])
class SECItem(Structure):
_fields_ = [('type', c_uint), ('data', c_void_p), ('len', c_uint)]
class secuPWData(Structure):
_fields_ = [('source', c_ubyte), ('data', c_char_p)]
def get_nss_lib():
nsslib = os.path.join(FIREFOX_PATH, NSSNAME)
return CDLL(nsslib)
def open_logins_file(folder):
with open(os.path.join(folder, 'logins.json')) as fd:
d =
j = json.loads(d)
return j
def read_password(folder):
data = open_logins_file(folder)
nsslib = get_nss_lib()
logins = data.get('logins', [])
ret_init = nsslib.NSS_Init(folder)
print "[+] Init NSS: %s" % ret_init
keySlot = nsslib.PK11_GetInternalKeySlot()
nsslib.PK11_CheckUserPassword(keySlot, '')
nsslib.PK11_Authenticate(keySlot, True, 0)
field = SECItem()
dectext = SECItem()
pwdata = secuPWData()
pwdata.source = 0 #PW_NONE = 0
d = logins[0]['encryptedPassword']
print d = cast(c_char_p(base64.b64decode(d)), c_void_p)
field.len = len(base64.b64decode(d))
print nsslib.PK11SDR_Decrypt(byref(field), byref(dectext), byref(pwdata))
print string_at(, dectext.len)
if __name__ == '__main__':
d = r'C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxx'